25-31 May 2025



with kirtan & ecstatic dance
in addition to meditation, pranayama, walks/hikes, beach & more

Om Shanti is a beautiful, lovingly held retreat space that I had the pleasure of experiencing on my last Crete trip. The owners, Anja and Kostas, radiate heart, intuition, joy and wisdom. This creates a very special atmosphere. Nestled among the mountains of Crete with a wide view to the sea, this small retreat space with only 6 beds on site (and 4 offsite) feels like a serene, peaceful, safe and creative space.

Our hosts prepare our meals and will be hosting the kirtan and ecstatic dance sessions. This is a beautiful setting to let go and recharge in a familial and easeful place, and of-course enjoy the yoga, meditation and pranayama in the shala on the roof, excellent Greek and Indian style cooking, walks in Crete's fresh nature in May, and the beach.



We start the day with a long pranayama, yoga and meditation session on the rooftop shala overlooking the surrounding hills and valleys all the way to the sea.

This is followed by a delicious brunch full of seasonal fruits from the region, excellent local cheeses, a fresh seasonal smoothie, tasty breads, porridge and much more; also catering excellently to vegan and gluten free diets.

During the day you have free time and the option to join group activities taking advantage of Crete's nature including at least two beach trips and a hike. Before and/or after dinner there are also optional workshops/activities you can choose to join, specifically:

  • reflexology self-massage workshop

  • yoga nidra & reiki experience

  • natural vision improvement workshop

  • yin yoga

  • ecstatic dance

  • kirtan

yoga rereat crete may katharina kunze meditation pranayama
yoga rereat crete may katharina kunze meditation pranayama
yoga retreat crete meditation pranayama katharina kunze
yoga retreat crete meditation pranayama katharina kunze


This is a space I would describe as "spiritual" in a down-to-earth, open and unassuming way. Anja and Kostas, the hosts at Om Shanti, have spent a lot of time in India following Mooji and with yoga; and you will find books about nonduality teachings etc. in this space. I feel a calm, friendly and open vibe here. You don't need to relate to "spiritual" topics at all, but if you seek conversations with our hosts you will most likely find interesting, open and wise conversation partners.

The yoga shala is on the roof so we have an amazing, far view over the the hills to the sea. During our evening workshops this will be a great spot to see the sky change at sunset. There are also loungers, chairs, benches and other seating options in different nooks across the grounds where you can relax to take in the view, for a chat or to pet the cat. In May the flowers in the garden will be in bloom, the weather is warm to pleasantly hot and at night we can see the milky way. At the time of the retreat we have new moon so the stars may be particularly visible.

There are 6 beds onsite plus 4 off-site. The off-site location is a house with two double/twin bedrooms and its own living room, terrace, bathroom and fully equipped kitchen. If you think you'll want a bit more privacy or to withdraw more at times, this might be the option for you. However also on-site you'll find plenty of quiet spaces and there are many walks around if you want to explore more in nature.


On site there are 3 twin (optionally double) rooms. Each faces the garden. The bathrooms are shared: there are two toilets and two showers, one of which is an outdoor shower where you can shower in the sun and with a view.

Off-site there are two further double or twin rooms in a house with its own living room area, bathrooms and equipped kitchen. The house is less than 5 minutes walk away and gives you a bit more independence through the kitchen you have there. It also has a terrace with a wide view over the valleys and you can choose to relax here or in the gardens and grounds of Om Shanti in your free time.


The menu is inspired by both Greek/Mediterranean and Indian/Ayurvedic cuisine. All dishes are vegetarian or vegan, cooked using largely local and often home-grown ingredients. Gluten-free diets are also catered for and meals are served "family style" at a large table looking into the garden.

Breakfast/brunch includes local fruit in the form of a smoothie and fruit salads, muesli, porridge, yoghurt, fresh vegetables and olives, various cheeses (especially from goat and sheep's milk), various breads (including gluten-free options), tahini, jam, local honey, tea, coffee and more.

Tea, coffee and fruit is available all day; and our drinking water comes from a spring and is of great quality.

Dinner consists of a starter, a main, a salad and dessert, all using organic ingredients where possible, and vegan/vegetarian following, as mentioned, the Mediterranean and Ayurvedic diets. Dishes are prepared generously and with love - I found the food absolutely delicious and satisfying.

In pranayama (translated as "directing life energy - prana") we modulate the breath e.g. through holds, active or passive in- and exhales and through the depth, speed and rhythm of our breathing, to influence our energy. Depending on the type of breath, pranayama can have balancing, activating or winding-down effects. Our morning exercises intend to energise and balance; while the evening pranayama workshop will introduce you to strategies that can help quiet the mind and wind down for a relaxing night's sleep.

Meditation is an integral part of yoga to me and including it in our yoga sessions helps us enter the day in a more centred and present manner. The meditation styles in the morning classes will include concentration on breath or physical sensations, body scanning and "just being". If you would like to practice/learn other styles like trataka, I'm happy to add meditation classes during the day.

Yin yoga
For sure a favourite among yogis! - this yoga style differs a lot from vinyasa in that we hold each position for a few minutes. Instead of targeting muscles, we are targeting connective tissue like fascia here. Energy lines (like those targeted in reflexology) are said to run through the fascia, so this is also a practice that intends to facilitate energy flow in our bodies. It is also deeply relaxing, "yin" being associated with rest, night, letting go and also the feminine.

Ecstatic dance
Ecstatic dance in the garden under the starry sky is a beautiful experience. Kostas will be DJing with a mix of more lively or more ambient tracks. See the video in the "FAQ" section for a short taste. During ecstatic dance you dance freely however you feel completely without the use of substances.

In kirtan we will be singing mantras and possibly other songs in the "yoga spirit". It is an absolutely beautiful, meditative practice which not only delights our ears but creates beautiful vibrations within ourselves. Anja and Kostas play the harmonium - again, an instrument with beautiful sounds and pleasant vibrations - and lead the kirtan for us. Feel free to suggest mantras you'd like to sing and to bring your own instruments for kirtan and other evenings.


Vinyasa yoga
In the mornings we follow pranayama with vinyasa yoga, a dynamic yoga style where we warm up, practise some sun salutations, and continue with a range of forward and back bends, inversions and balances, side bends and twists. I give detailed alignment cues so that beginners learn to set the poses up and experienced practitioners can fine-tune their positions. I take into account the group's wishes and levels - so if there's something specific you want to learn, a body part you'd like to work more with, or you're feeling particularly active or more like something relaxing - do let me know and I'll make sure to integrate it for you. :) You'll find a bit more about my teaching style on the Teacher page.

Reiki experience
Reiki is a healing energy that can be passed on through (not from!) the practitioner to others. The Reiki experience starts with a guided visualisation followed by a period of allowing the Reiki energy to "work" and you to be present with the experience. Reiki can have healing effects and is deeply relaxing to receive. Each session is different, e.g. you may feel physical sensations or visual effects.

Reflexology self-massage
Foot reflexology is wonderfully soothing, and especially if you've taken some longer walks or a hike, you may enjoy releasing any tension in your feet with some targeted pressure. :) In reflexology massage we assume that different body parts are connected through energy lines and applying pressure to one area of the body can be healing to additional body parts. We will look at a map of our feet showing which spots are related to which organs etc.; and practice techniques that feel good and are said to promote a healthy energy flow in the body. :) You can choose oil or body lotion but feel free to bring any lotions/oils you particularly like to use on your body.

Vision workshop
In this workshop we'll look at ways to improve our eyesight and vision naturally. We will do "eye yoga" exercises together, but also talk about how our vision and our mind as well as the rest of our body are related. We'll integrate exercises from different experts such as Bates that may help improve, or prevent deterioration, of eyesight. The far views at Om Shanti make it a great setting to practise seeing in the distance; and the flowers in bloom give us an incentive to view details up close. Of-course, all workshops are optional and you can join whatever interests, seems relevant or resonates with you.


How large is the group?
We will have up to 10 retreat participants, plus myself (the teacher). Our hosts, Anja and Kostas, are also around preparing food, offering the kirtan and ecstatic dance, and available for any questions etc.

Is the retreat suitable for my yoga level?
Anyone is welcome to join and we will cater to each participant's yoga needs. I am used to teaching mixed-level classes and sessions are tailored to make sure beginner yogis have thorough explanations and cues as well as alternative poses to more advanced ones in the flows; and that advanced practitioners have the opportunity to work up a sweat and challenge themselves with trickier poses.

I recommend that beginners are willing to challenge themselves and try to reach their edge, as it can lead to a beautiful sense of accomplishment. Feel free to let me know your yoga level and expectations while booking, or reach out to discuss if you have any questions. Anyone can always take a break during a yoga class or choose to skip yoga classes if they prefer partaking only in the breathwork and other parts of schedule.

Can I get massages and wellness treatments?
Yes you can! If you would like to see the menu please reach out. :)

Who's the teacher? :)
Kat (me). Find out more about my yoga background and teaching style on the "Teacher" page. Also feel free to reach out to get to know me in a chat or with other questions; I realise how important it is that you "vibe" with the teacher. :)

What is the season and weather expected to be like?
May is warm and sunny. The garden is lush and full of flowers at this time. Daytimes are warm around 25°C and not as dry and hot as August or July might be. Nights are mild, temperatures usually going down to 15-17°C. The sea temperature at the end of May is warming up but will still feel cool at probably just above 20°C.

Which airport should I fly into?
You can fly into either Chania and Heraklion airports. I will help arrange shuttles from either airport and both cities on arrival day if you wish. I can also help you organise a rental car if you prefer. There may be public busses running from Heraklion airport but its unclear right now what their schedule will be in May 2025 - if you're interested, do check in with me close to the arrival day. :).

Can I spend additional nights at the centre?
Usually yes. Please let me know if you are interested and I will confirm and send you further information.

katharina kunze yoga retreat oneyoga 0neyoga crete
katharina kunze yoga retreat oneyoga 0neyoga crete

EARLY BIRD PRICES until 25 February 2025

1220€ for 1 person in a twin or double room on site (instead of €1290)
1280€ for 1 person in a twin or double off site (in a private house with your own kitchen, 3-5 minutes walk away; instead of €1350)

For more details about the rooms, please check the "Rooms" section. :)

Early bird prices are valid until 25 February 2025.


  • 6 nights accommodation (25-31 May 2025)

  • daily 2.5-3 hour yoga, pranayama & meditation classes

  • 6 additional activities & optional workshops on site:
    - kirtan
    - yin yoga
    - ecstatic dance
    - reflexology self-massage workshop
    - yoga nidra with Reiki experience
    - natural vision (eyesight) improvement workshop

  • 2 beach trips & at least 1 hike

  • daily nutritious and varied brunch and dinner plus fresh fruit, tea and coffee throughout the day

Not included:

  • Insurance

  • Travel to and from the retreat venue

  • Additional wellness treatments (e.g. individual massages)


To enquire about any- and everything about the retreat, please send a message using the contact form on the right, email katharina.kunze@gmail.com or send me a message using the number +49 1523 8131 548 on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal.

To book, please also send me a message with the package you have chosen and I will confirm the spot for you.

I'm looking forward to you reaching out,


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